Windows 10 Super Lite Gamer with benefits, with exceptional and excellent compatibility, with full support for the store and Xbox Altaments inspired by our LTSC builds, specific configurations of our components
Final recovery and reintroduction of renewable energy Seguindo or novo método de desativar> remover NEW Removed useless tweaks and commands
Vacancy adjustments are easily filtered to correct errors and the provider supports Appx-related programs
Full Xbox support, including Xbox GamePass support Remove MarkC mouse curve, “natural” mouse curve Mouse acceleration and permanent previous destruction for Caixa platform Reduce CPU processing speed with CPU Melhora estabilitat A loja, os idiomas and resources to Xbox estão funcionado conforme o expected (GameBar não testado) Applications UWP applications are understood são mantidos Applications ausentes das ausentes das repornovaement Full updated version of the Microsoft Store from the Loja, with excellent stability and compatibility Melhora used for previous versions Decent private version ReviOS – 2004 – S10 Criado por: Revision Tamanho: 5290MD: 258 2FCA939326F6EE3214C04C2C6A5A16EF SHA-1: 227FA7E08C1AAA308DD92C52FADCCE29F661BC2A